- We are developing and implementing a Körber-wide policy to protect the health and safety of our employees that goes above and beyond normal measures
Fiscal year 2021
We ensure the best conditions for protecting our employees from developing physical and mental problems during work — for example when transporting goods or handling heavy equipment, machines, and hazardous substances in production operations. Even in special situations such as a global pandemic, we take responsibility and stand by our employees as a reliable partner.
We protect the health and safety of our employees.
In order to not only reduce the number of accidents but prevent them altogether, specific occupational safety officers at all Körber locations should ensure that the policies and rules for occupational safety and health protection are communicated to all employees and are observed by them. We have also made it our duty to improve working conditions by means of very specific practical measures. Moreover, we want to keep an even closer eye on the health status of our employees worldwide and to embed this attitude in the collective consciousness of the company. That means acting quickly in the interests of our employees’ health and safety not only in normal operation but also, even more importantly, in exceptional situations and beyond the call of duty.
We have appointed health and safety officers at all the major company locations. In addition, our employees receive regular training regarding these issues. At some locations we have already implemented ISO 45001 (relating to occupational safety) and will continue to expand this in the future. Location-specific measures to improve working conditions in the facilities are also a continuous process. In the Business Area Tissue in Lucca (Italy), for example, anti-fatigue mats ensure greater comfort during standing activities, as do cordless ergonomic tools. The introduction of the summer shift (from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. instead of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) makes it possible to reduce microclimate risks by shifting work to the cooler hours of the day. In dialog with other locations about such best practices, individuals can share their experiences for the ultimate benefit of all our colleagues.
We also take care of our employees’ health and safety when they are on the road. In more than 90 countries, we offer international SOS medical and safety services for colleagues who are exposed to specific risks when traveling.
During the corona pandemic, ensuring the health of our employees is our top priority. Here we show strong leadership and act quickly and with foresight — even beyond what is required by political decision-makers. For this purpose we convened a Global Corona Response Team, which meets regularly to react to the rapidly changing current situations and plans the transition to new flexible working models. In the internal media, we continuously inform our employees about new safety and hygiene concepts and organize vaccinations. We are also actively helping to fight the pandemic with products from our packaging division.