The distinguished “intec prize” was won this year for the first time by a Swiss business in the category of enterprises with over 100 employees in the form of Fritz Studer AG. The prize was awarded in recognition of its StuderTechnology software. In the past, an experienced machine operator was required to achieve optimum finishing results, in particular for external and internal cylindrical grinding.
The StuderTechnology software automatically identifies the most important factors of influence of relevance to the process and the correct values for each processing stage. This greatly simplifies the operation of cylindrical grinding machines. In addition, it enables better results to be achieved with shorter processing and tooling times.
There has been a huge increase in the demands imposed on industrial production processes. Newly constructed components are released at ever-shorter intervals. At the same time, the total number of component variants is rising. This has consequences for machine operators. These need to configure the resulting changing production processes as quickly as possible and without error. If this involves complex processes such as cylindrical grinding, then this task is particularly challenging. Over 300 machine parameters determine the processing process.
StuderTechnology greatly simplifies the operation of Studer cylindrical grinding machines. It performs many of the otherwise standard settings automatically on behalf of the operator.
The basic principle of the program, which was developed jointly with software specialists at the company mcs ag, is seemingly straightforward: “StuderTechnology” independently determines the necessary central data for cylindrical grinding. “The principle can be compared to modern cameras. These automatically calculate numerous important parameters such as focus or exposure, and independently ensure high picture quality,” explains Erhard Kämpf, Head of the Form and Thread Unit. “StuderTechnology works in a similar manner.” – But how is this possible? The Swiss grinding specialists first gathered a substantial volume of data – a sort of “cylindrical grinding best practice”: the program collates the figures and information from countless grinding tests during which the respective best processing strategy was determined for the widest possible variety of components. “StuderTechnology” draws upon these values, depending upon the particular application, and applies these precisely to the particular task at hand. The operator profits directly from the huge wealth of experience at the mechanical engineering specialists. Yet it is also possible to extend this “wealth of experience” at any time. This means users can expand the database by adding their individual “best practice”.
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